Social Media Activity Monitor for Brands

Analyze the performance of your brand in your retailers’ social media profiles.

See how many likes, shares, and interactions your content gets and compare with the competition.

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Telecial's Digital Content Catalog

Deep Dive in Your Brand Social Media Performance

Telecial allows you to track and analyze your brand performance across your entire network of retailer social media accounts.

Telecial's Feature

Social Dashboard

Industry Rank

Overview of your brand activity vs. the competition.

Performance Map

Brand and product performance by region and country.

Product Rank

Top performing products by mentions and interactions.

Top Posts

Top performing posts by reactions, comments and shares
Telecial's Feature

Brand Profile

Brand Mentions

Total brand mentions for given date range.

Country Rank

Countries with most mentions for your brand.

Most Active Retailers

Top retailers mentioning your products and brand.

Social Source

Mentions and interactions by social media site; Facebook and Instagram
Telecial's Feature

Activity Dashboard

Brand Activity

Details about brand activity history throughout time.

Competitor Comparison

Select and compare mentions and interactions with any competitor.

Analyze in Depth

Analyze Posts

Get specific data for each of the posts mentioning your products or brand. See reactions, comments and shares.

Country Performance

Filter your data to get insights about the performance of a specific country.

Export to Excel

All the data can be exported to excel for easy sharing.

Filter Data

Metrics can be filtered by mentions or interactions.

Take your social media analysis to new heights

Boost your brand's reach by working with retailers the smart way.

Get started for free